Monday, October 16

Update on my weight loss and a question

For those of you interested I have met my weight loss goal and have been maintaining for 3.5 months now. I lost a total of 50 pounds in just about 3 months. I went from a size 16 to a size 6. My cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure are all normal now. I feel great. For the first time in a bunch of years I actually wore a bathing suit in public without shorts or a t-shirt.

I did have one bad thing from the weight loss. I lost my breast right along with the weight. I have considered getting implants but I am alittle bit nervous. So my question to you all is to implant or not to implant?


Blogger Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

First, I really like the faery on your page. I must be going a bit daft, but as I get older there is something appealing about the idea of polite magic and nature.

Now, as to the breast implants. I am a man, so my answer is unimportant. As a man, of course I would only say "yes".

8:22 PM  
Blogger -tnchick- said...

Yay! Congrats on the weight loss - that's a big hurdle to cross and you've done it and kept it off!! =)

As for to implant or not? Well, that's totally up to you. I think if you *really* want it, do it. But, only if it's for YOU. It's a personal decision that only you can make. I will say make sure to research a lot, if you do it, and find a great surgeon. You will get a lot of negative responces, I'm sure.... but the bottom line is - if you want it, do it... just do it smart.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Well done!!!!!!

breast implants....only you can decide that, but I agree with tnchick.... be smart and do research, get a fabulous surgeon etc.

5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, first CONGRATS on the weightloss. I think you have answered my questions about losing weight. I have lost 16lbs and the first place I noticed was in my boobs. Since I have a lot of weight to lose, I wondered if my boobs were going to continue to suffer. Oh well, for the greater good, maybe? found you from Angie btw.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, congrats on the weight loss!!!
i actually want to have my breasts reduced, so i would say no to implants, but that's just because of what i have to deal with. i think it's about making yourself feel good about yourself, make sure you really do your homework if that's what you decide you want to do. talk to doctors, to anyone who has had it done, stuff like that.

7:35 PM  
Blogger Mitey Mite said...

I've been flat-chested all my life, but I've never had a written complaint! Seriously, why risk bad surgery or possible health problems to pretend you have what, as you've just proved, is mostly fat? Little boobs don't sag, either.

Obviously, I'm on the side of no surgery. But I really want to know exactly what you did to lose the weight so quickly.

7:55 AM  
Blogger marlynn said...

WOW! That's amazing! Congratulations! Ten sizes down is truly something incredible. Great job!

As for the boob job, my personal opinion would be to forego it. I've had friends who have had them and are happy at first but then regret it later, and a couple have had reductions since. But, everybody is different. I've never seen one that looked "good" or real, but I'd probably care more about how my whole body would feel with them than the fact that they are just bigger. That's just me though.

10:51 PM  
Blogger Shiner said...

Stick with Mother Nature, don't go the 'falsey' way.

I know it is often a confidence thing, but having dropped 10 sizes from 16 to 6, confidence should be the last thing you lack.
You must feel and look a 1000x better in how you see yourself so why go under the knife and spoil it.

My wife is 5'2, and I am 6'4 and I have bigger breasts than my wife and she wouldn't change that for the world. She has often wondered about getting hers done, just so she can stop shopping for slips and bra's in the childrens section.

Take a picture of you size 16, then look at yourself in a mirror. Tell me your don't feel great.

Well done, keep it up and good luck in what ever descision you make, ultimately, it is up to you.

1:59 AM  
Blogger Evey said...

WELCOME BACK! I know my welcome is a little late, but I just checked on you today:) I have checked your blog on and off since may and I am so glad to see you are finally back.

Congrats on the weight loss. How did you do it if you would be willing to share with me I would love to hear it. I am currently in a place where my goal weight loss is 101 pounds, I have a long way to go and am struggling with how to get there. Feel free to email me with what worked for you etc and stuff if you want.

Again, welcome back to the world of blogging.

11:16 AM  

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