Blog Worth
Well I finally decided that I was going to use that blogshares account I created a few months ago. I started by buying a few shares of stock in Mitey Mite and boy was that smart. Then I noticed that my blog is listed twice and that there are like 10000 shares of my blog out there(neither of which are doing so hot). I merge the 2 blogs and now my blog is worth like nothing. I am going to keep trying to play and make sense of it all but I am not so sure that I would ever do good at this in real life. So any tips from any of you that play and are doing well would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Your blog's value is already incalculable. While I find sites like Blogshares mildly amusing, I'd like to think that the value of our little creations lies more in the words we share with others, and the degree to which they are inspired.
Unless those numbers translate into real figures in a real bank account, I ignore 'em.
Good morning from Michele!
Thanks Carmi I think it is also.
I just go to those sites for purely mindless entertainment and to escape from my life for a brief moment...:)
Hi - Michele sent me.
Wise words from Carmi.
You have 3 kids, work, go to school AND keep up a blog? Please tell me your secret. I would be institutionalized if I tried to keep that schedule.
Hi from Michele!
I play blog shares as well... and the way to make your blog worth more is add more links.. blog links. That is what valuates you. :)
You bought shares in ME???? I didn't even know this existed! As you know, Guppyman lured me into blogging, and now I feel like I have a whole new group of friends that I care a lot about. I like to see what they are doing, rejoice or sympathize with them, learn from their hints or laugh at their jokes. But shares? -- that will take some time to digest.
Buying some shares in your own site really jumps up the value--especially if it's underappreciated, Beanhead.
I've bought 1,000 shares in my blog as well as 4 others. It's fun visiting every few weeks and seeing how everyone is doing. Anyone that follows my antics, esp on Michele's site would know that I bought Yaeli shares early on. :-)
i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. i'm kind of paranoid about trying some of this stuff, i'm not really sure if it's safe or not.
I haven't ventured any further than blogrocket. So I'm not help on blogsharing! Sorry!
By the way, did you get the email I sent you last week??
I'm with Indigo: blogshares? Huh? for Indigo and mama m. It is like the stock market for blogs. Just one more way for me to waste my
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