Thursday, November 3

Getting in the mood

for Christmas that is. I am really not in that Christmas mood yet. I think it is so hard to get into the holiday spirit when it is still 80 degrees outside. Once it cools down and the air is filled with the scents of Christmas I am sure that it will hit me. This year I am hoping that hubby took the new camera hint and gets me one!! So what gets you in the holiday mood? What is on your must have list?

PS. Don't forget to check out my renter for this week Angie over at Ficken Chingers. Her site is great. Just go over to the sidebar and click on her little thumbnail!!


Blogger Mitey Mite said...

I am the Catalog Queen -- I start getting about 5 a day in September and by November it's up to about 25 a day. At first they were going directly in the trash, but now I'm looking at some, and that's getting me in the mood. I've even ordered some stuff. And this morning I made pumpkin bread and am starting to think about Christmas cookies. Maybe it's because we're in the 70's this week!

9:08 PM  
Blogger ShellBug526 said...

I have to agree,I am just not in the mood yet either. I was in the mall last weekend and all of the stores are playing x-mas music. There is also a local radio station that is only playing x-mas music until the big day. For heavens sake, at least wait until Thanksgiving to start this. There are only so many songs...

9:57 PM  
Blogger Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

sad post beanhead; you made me homesick :(

10:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I must admit I'm an early Christmas shopper and an earlytax filer. My family is so large that I buy for my sister, Aunt and Mother only. My new choice is

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've already started my christmas shopping, i find that spending time in the malls starts to get me in the mood, i spend time figuring out what i'm going to bake for christmas, start doing christmas cards, decorate, it all just seems to come together. there's nothing i want on my list, i'm pretty happy with everything that's going on, so anything i do get, it's bonus. and i sure am enjoying this weather.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

I'm starting to organize my thoughts on the christmas baking front. Lot's to do, and not really all that much time.....

3:10 PM  
Blogger Spock said...

I there beanhead. Here from Michele's!

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snow. Once we get snow here then it is holiday season. I think people push it to soon. It makes me sick to see all that holiday stuff put out at the store before holloween was even here.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Tracy S said...

I think cold weather and certian smells get me in the mood as well .Around this time every year we always go to yankee and buy some cinnamon smelling candles and it starts feeling a lil more like Christmas time..I am like you though ...waiting for it to get colder outside.

8:55 AM  
Blogger marlynn said...

I LOVE Christmas! It's already in the low 50's over here so we're ready for the holidays. Most of my Christmas shopping is done and our holiday cards are almost done. Really, I just hate the last minute Christmas madness and since we host the Christmas meal at our house I start everything early:)

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arrrgh!! I came over from Last Girl's to check this place out, and you greet me with the "C" word!! ;)

I'm notoriously late in getting around to the shopping, although I DID order one thing online last night (scared myself by doing so early, actually!!).

12:06 PM  

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